Transition Magazine

Transition History

“...the ultimate purpose of a literary magazine will always be to herald change, to forecast what new turn its culture and the society it represents is about to take. It will do this by sometimes allowing prejudice and temporary obsessions to be aired [and] by being permissive to radical innovations.”  - Rajat Neogy, Founding Editor

Transition was founded in 1961 in Uganda as an East African literary magazine. The brainchild of a twenty-two year old writer of Indian descent named Rajat Neogy, it quickly became Africa’s leading...

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he New York Times says Transition is the publication of choice “for the world's 3,000 most clued-in academics and literary types.”

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Transition Store

Welcome! Transition is a unique forum for fresh perspectives on global issues, literature and art, cultures and people, with an emphasis on Africa and the diaspora. Founded by Rajat Neogy in Uganda in 1961, we are now a publication of the Hutchins Center at Harvard University, published three times annually by Indiana University Press.

Issues 111-117 are also available on Google Books, iTunes, Barnes & Noble and...

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